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የኢትዮጵያ ታሪክና ሥነጽሑፍ የምርምር ሥራዎች /Researches on Ethiopian History and Literature/
    እውን ገጠር ወይስ ከተማ?** “…ወይ ዐዲስ አበባ…!! :“ዕለተ ሰንበት” አንድ ይበልላቸው እንጂ፣ ደምሴ ጽጌ እና የሺጥላ ኮከብ አምስቱን ሰሞኖች በጀመሩት ሙግት፣ እኔ ዐዲሳብኛው ልብ ውስጥ ጉድ እያፈሉ ነው፡፡ እራሴን እንድታዘብ አረገውኛል፡፡ ወይ ዲልዲላ! ወይ ቱሉ ፊንፊኔ!. መጋቢት 02, 2011
    :The celebration of the Victory of the battle of Adwa every year on the first days of March has a special place to all Ethiopians who are connected with blood to the historic event. . March 04, 2019
    THE MELANCHOLY TRANSLATOR: BELATA SIRAK WÄLDÄ SELLASSE HIRUYS AMHARIC TRANSLATION OF SAMUEL JOHNSON’S RASSELAS:Every man is placed in his present condition by causes which acted without his foresight, and with which he did not always willingly cooperate.—Rasselas n 1733, a young Englishman with uncertain prospects translated a long book that discussed the tribulations of the seventeenth-century emperor of Abyssinia. This book took peculiar hold of his imagination and, twenty five years later, Samuel Johnson wrote a fiction titled The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia. His tale describes the quest of a melancholy Amhara prince who travels from an idyllic mountain valley in Abyssinia into the bustle of the outside world only to conclude that the determined search for happiness is futile. The book was almost instantaneously a success, with dozens of editions and translations into more than twenty-five languages. It was not until two hundred years later, however, that the book was translated into the prince’s own language.. September 30, 2017
    ‛አኹንም ፡ ብዙ ፡ ብርሃን!’። :ስላንድ ፡ ጽሑፍ ፡ የሚሰጥ ፡ አስተ፟ያየት ፡ ከኹለት ፡ ነገር ፡ ይመነጫል ፤ አንድ፦ስለቀረበው ፡ ጽሑፍ ፡ አድናቈ ትን ፡ ለመግለጽ ፣ ሌላው፦የቀረበው ፡ ጽሑፍ ፡ ከሚጠበቀ ው ፡ ደረጃ ፡ በታች ፡ ከኾነ ፡ ሒስ ፡ ለመስጠት። የኔው ፡ ካንደ ኛው ፡ ይካተታል። እንዲያም ፡ ቢኾን ፡ ግን ፡ ምድር ፡ የለቀቀ ውዳሴ ፡ አላቀርብም ፣ በወደዱት ፡ ነገር ፡ ላይ ፡ እንከንን ፡ አይ ወድዱምና ፡ ለእኔ ፡ መስለው ፡ የታዩኝን ፡ እጠቋቍማለኹ። 1 ዘመኑ ፣ ለኛ ፡ ሥራዎች ፡ በኛው፥ለውጭዎቹ ፡ በነሱው ፡ አቈጣጠር ፡ ነው። ‘አኹንም ፡ ብዙ ፡ ብርሃን!’ ክፍሌ ፡ ተክለጽዮን። 3 ካሥራሰባተኛው ፡ ምእትያ ፡ አንሥቶ ፡ እስከ ፡ ኻያኛ ው ፡ ማብቂያ ፡ ድረስ ፣ ቍጥራቸው ፡ ትንሽ ፡ የማይባል ፣ ዋና ዋና ፡ የኾኑ ፣ ልሳነ-ዋህድና ፡ ልሳነ-ክልኤ ፡ መዛግብተ-ቃላት ባገራችን ፡ ቋንቋዎች ፡ ላይ ፡ ተዘገጃጅተዋል።. መጋቢት 17, 2009
    Journey into the private universe of Haile Selassie ( Interview By Oriana Fallaci 1973 ):Oriana Fallaci: There is a question, Your Majesty, that has been troubling me since I saw the poor running after your car and fighting over an 18- pence dollar. What do you feel, Your Majesty, when you distribute alms to your people? What are your feelings when you are faced with their poverty?. June 28, 2016
    Dreams in Amharic Prose Fiction:Dreams are regarded as important indicators of good or bad fortunes to come by a very large section of the Ethiopian society. Since such prophetic dreams are believed to divinely inspired, they are often taken seriously by all concerned and acted upon in waking life . This situation caneasily be illustrated by an anecdote in Mängestu Lämma's biographical work.. April 02, 2016
    ALIENATION: A RESULT AND IMPACT OF WESTERN EDUCATION ON ETHIOPIAN INTELLECTUALS:It is my contention that Western education has alienated Ethiopian intellectuals by uprooting them from their history, culture, language and society. This paper, which was presented at an Ethiopian studies conference at the University of Dayton, Ohio, in the summer of 2006, attempts to elaborate my contention by providing a brief account of the history of Western education in Ethiopia and its negative impact on Ethiopian students. It also demonstrates how Marxism damaged Ethiopia and reveals the secret forces behind Marxism and its hidden agenda. In conclusion, it suggests ways and means of improving the core-curriculum of Ethiopian education. . March 24, 2016
    A Century of Ethiopian Historiography:History, as the recounting of past events and deeds, is probably old as humanity as itself. But it was the Greeks Herodotus and Thucydides who introduced the organized and written historical narrative. In Asia, Chinese historians of the Han dynasty developed similar a tradition of writing organized and analytical history. . March 19, 2016
    Battle Of Adwa Italy's Terrible Defeat:Rome, March 3. The present campaign against the Abyssinians threatens to become one of the most disastrous in which the Italian arms have ever taken part, and what the final outcome will be it would be hard to predict. It was rumored to-day that the latest defeat of the Italians by the forces of King Menelik had compelled the Ministry to resign. owing to the popular disapproval of the Government's policy, but tonight this report is denied. . March 03, 2016
    Ethiopian Creative Writing and Criticism in English A Review and Bibliography:In this work, Ethiopian creative writing in English is taken to mean creative writings by Ethiopians in English. Such works include poems, short stories, plays and novels. Translations from Amharic in to English are included since Amharic is the language, compared to many other Ethiopian languages, in which much creative writing is produced. . February 27, 2016
    A CRITICAL COMMET ON SOME TECHNICAL ASPECTS OF BIRHANU ZARYIHUN'S HULATT YA-ENBA DABBEWOC :Most traditionally oriented writers of Amharic prose fiction present the expositional material (i.e., background information about the characters or events) in the opening parts of their narratives.. February 27, 2016
    SOME AMHARIC SOURCES FOR MODERN ETHIOPIAN HISTORY, 1889-19351:Emperor Menelik's reign (1889-1913)opens a new era in the kind of sources that the historian has at his disposal for the analysis of modern Ethiopian history. During his reign printing presses were set up in the country and spurred a gradual growth in the more wide spread use of Amharic, not just as the spoken but also the written language of the imperial court.. February 20, 2016
    IMAGINATIVE WRITINGS ON ETHIOPIA AND THE HORN OF AFRICA: SUPPLEMENT AND UPDATE:Ethiopia a and the Horn of Africa, a s noted in a previous rticle1, have been the subject o over the centuries of considerable number of novels, short stories, plays and poems. The present study, which is based on further investigation in an area scarcely charted with bibliographies, is designed to supplement, as well as to update, the earlier work. Both articles, it should be noted, are concerned exclusively with works in languages other than those of the region. The latter deserve a study, or studies, of their own. . January 23, 2016
    AN AMHARIC WAR-SONG OF EMPEROR TÈWODRO'S SOLIDERS:Captain Tristam Speedy, a sometime British officer in India, visited Ethiopia on four separate occasions. The first was in 1861 when he attended the court of Emperor Tewodrs II who asked him to assist in the training of his soldiers.. January 19, 2016
    Afewerq Yohannis and Debbebe Seyfu: Notes on Ethiopian Writers of the Late Twentieth Century:The twentieth century s aw the beginning of fictional writing in Ethiopia. After a hesitant beginning, the market became, in a modest way considering the demand of Ethiopia's reading public, almost flooded by the second half of the century M any of the authors who then appeared will remain important as long as Ethiopian literature continues to be read . Reidulf K. Molvaer -Michigan State University Press-. January 02, 2016
    Celebration of the Victory of Adwa : A conversation with two young men and middle aged man:The celebration of the Victory of the battle of Adwa every year on the first days of March has a special place to all Ethiopians who are connected with blood to the historic event. . June 25, 2011
    አዲሱ መጽሐፍ አደፍርስ ከዳኛቸው ወርቁ :በአማርኛ የልብ ወለድ መጻሕፍት ሦስተኛው የአምስት ብር መደብ መጽ ሐፍ በቅርቡ ገበያ ወጥቷል “ በብዛት ገና ለሽያጭ አልቀረበም ። እትሙ አልቆለት ደራሲው ዳኛቸው ወርቁ ! ጥራዞ ቹን ከቤቱ ቆልፎ በወዳጅና በእውቂያ በኩል ከአንዳንድ አንባቢያን እጅ መግባት ጀምሯል . September 13, 2003

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